We believe that the current generative art landscape has a lot of room for improvement. There are a few key subjects we’ve wanted to put a high focus on.

More story / vision within generative art

As platforms try to maximize profit, they need to launch as many series as possible. This means there is very little time to clearly accentuate the story of an artists and the vision behind their art. We solve this by only accepting one new artist on our platform every 2 months → with “only” six new artists per year, we can truly focus strongly on getting their story out and watch them evolve on the platform.

Supply of generative art

With more and more talented generative artists finding their way into the NFT space, traditional generative art platforms are dealing with some form of over supply → there are so many new amazing series launching in short concession that it causes very heavy collectors fatigue. We believe it’s important to satisfy both artists and collectors. Our model strictly limits us to 6 new artists per year, creating 3 series each → maximum amount of art series launched per year: 18.

Make generative art more accessible

Ever wonder why generative art is expensive? A big part comes down to inefficient smart-contracts. Storing data on chain (which all generative art platforms do) is expensive, deploying contracts is expensive. Most platforms have older and frankly unoptimized smart contract infrastructure. At 256ART we’ve managed to improve this tremendously. By writing a completely custom smart contract infrastructure perfectly optimized for just one task → saving gas everywhere we can whilst keeping everything on chain. The results speak for themself:

Make getting artwork from chain less technical

Whilst there is an argument to be made if it’s on chain, it’s on chain. We really believe that your on chain art should be easily accessible without a ton of extra needed steps. In our smartcontract set up we construed the functionality where you can call “getArtFromChain” with your tokenId which will immediately return a base64 encoded version of your artwork. You can just copy paste the result in your browser address bar and magically the art is rendered live in front of you from the chain with no other dependencies whatsoever (no need for hosting, IPFS, AWS s3, etc.).