Launching an art series on 256ART

We recommend using the repository below as a starting point for any project launched on 256ART.

Please read carefully through the information below as well.


This is a 256ART example project. Which can be used when starting development on an artseries for the 256ART platform. There are two folders dev and release which will be explained below. Each created artwork should retrieve determnistic randomness from a hash send as input to your art script. Each artwork should be dimension agnostic.

Dev folder

During your development phase, you should only work in the dev folder.

Release folder

Once you're ready to launch your series (or test it on a testnet), you should create two files:

When a user mints, we derive the tokenId, membershipId (if applicable) and hash from the Ethereum blockchain and in our back-end script we add a script tag with the right inputData to your release files. When run artwork.html shows the artwork and staticimageandmetadata.html returns the files we need for marketplaces (static image and json metadata). The artwork, static image(s) and json are than stored and easily retrievable.

We store the art script (and other relevant data, e.g.: libraries used) on chain, meaning collectors can always recreate their art from the generated hash which is linked (on chain) to the ERC721 token in their wallet.